
Boneshaker is home to a risograph duplicator as well as cutting and binding equipment for making prints and zines. As a print collective, we aim to apply Boneshaker’s radical principles to create a space that can provide low-barrier riso printmaking supplies, access, and education for community members, artists, activists, zinesters, and more.
Boneshaker hosts “Riso 101” workshops that are provided at a low-cost, sliding-scale rate. These workshops have the aim of teaching the basics of operating the risograph duplicator so that folks have the knowledge to print their own designs. Stay tuned for more riso workshop dates coming soon, and send us an email at print@boneshakerbooks.com if you’d like to set up a private workshop for a group or club!


The Boneshaker Print Collective also offers low-cost printing for community events, activism, and more. If you’re interested in having your design printed by a Print Collective volunteer, please contact us at print@boneshakerbooks.com with your idea!
Our risograph duplicator is an MZ790U two-drum model. We currently have seven ink colors: Green, Black, Flat Gold, Fluorescent Orange, Blue, Bright Red, and Sunflower. This machine can print two colors at once on paper as large as 11″x17″. We stock a selection of text and cover-weight paper in various colors. The riso room also houses equipment including a stack cutter and a standard paper guillotine, a saddle stapler for binding booklets, a paper jogger, and collage supplies.